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Extrusora de aluminio con 20 discos

Facilidad de uso , pues al poder dar vueltas a la manilla no tendremos que hacer mucho esfuezo para que salga nuestra plastilina horneable

The clay gun extruder has many uses. With the 20 disc designs you can create many different embellishments for your projects. The round discs are for vines, stems, borders, and letters. The screen discs are for hair, grass, straw and floral stamens.The flat slot discs are for weaving baskets, lattice, ribbons and bows. The square, triangle, half round discs are for bricks, logs, borders, and can be cut and used for small beads.


Set de herramientas de plastico incluye rodillo y dos cortadores de rodillo un liso y otro con forma

Referencia : Makin´s  rodillo

Set palillos de plastico makin´s
           Set A makins 4 texturas diferentes
           Set B makins 4 texturas diferentes
            Set C makins 4 texturas diferentes
             Set D makin´s 4 texturas diferentes
               Set E makin´s 4 texturas diferentes
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